When Can Managed Care Companies Be Sued?

Managed care companies are not immune to lawsuits, even those who are protected by ERISA. While every case needs to be assessed on its individual merits and with consideration of individual state laws which differ across the country, there are a few guideposts for clinicians to suggest when a case warrants legal consideration. It is important, however, to remember that the legal community is not particularly familiar with managed care and is in general wary of mental health related cases. Thus, patients should not automatically take a negative evaluation from an attorney as a sign they do not have a valid legal claim.

Bryant Welch, J.D.,Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and attorney with one of the first nationally-based law firms devoted exclusively to managed care abuse. He can be reached at 11261 South Glen Rd., Potomac, MD. 20854 or by phone at 301-983-4344. (Fax:301-983-2978)

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